Monday, January 30, 2012

Wake Up Call™ (wakeupgetfitcom) on Twitter

wakeupgetfitcom Wake Up Call™
“@LATimeshealth: Are you obese? Might depend on whether your doctor is, too” Does yr doctor need a Wake Up Call too ?
Wake Up Call™ (wakeupgetfitcom) on Twitter

Friday, January 27, 2012

British Medical Journal: 8 glasses of water a day ‘nonsense’ hyped by water companies

British Medical Journal: 8 glasses of water a day ‘nonsense’ hyped by water companies

The recommendation to drink six to eight glasses of water a day to prevent dehydration “is not only nonsense, but is thoroughly debunked nonsense,” argues GP, Margaret McCartney in this week’s BMJ.

There is currently no clear evidence of benefit from drinking increased amounts of water, she says, yet the “we-don’t-drink-enough-water” myth has endless advocates, including the NHS.

The NHS Choices website states: “Try to drink about six to eight glasses of water (or other fluids) a day to prevent dehydration,” while many schools also feel it appropriate to insist that pupils are accompanied to school by a water bottle.

Other organisations, often with vested interests, reinforce this message, she says. For example, Hydration for Health (created by French food giant Danone – makers of bottled waters including Volvic and Evian) recommends 1.5 to 2 litres of water daily as “the simplest and healthiest hydration advice you can give.” It also claims that “even mild dehydration plays a role in the development of various diseases.”

But McCartney argues that there is no high quality published evidence to support these claims.

She points to several studies showing no clear evidence of benefit from drinking increased amounts of water and suggesting there may be unintended harms attached to an enforcement to drink more water.

“It would seem, therefore, that water is not a simple solution to multiple health problems,” she writes.

For instance, reports that increased water intake in children can improve concentration and mental performance have not been confirmed by research studies, while data relating water drinking to a reduction in children being overweight are prone to bias.

While there are some conditions that do benefit from drinking increased water, such as in people with recurrent kidney stones, other evidence for preventing disease is conflicting, adds McCartney. In other words, this is a complex situation not easily remedied by telling everyone to drink more.

Untangling the evidence presented by Danone “results in weak and biased selection of evidence”, she argues. Danone says we need “informed choices”, but their own evidence does not support their call to action.

She concludes: “There are many organisations with vested interests who would like to tell doctors and patients what to do. We should just say no.”

lBritish Medical Journal: 8 glasses of water a day ‘nonsense’ hyped by water companies

An interesting article considering companies do get on the health bandwagon when they need to promote their products.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Wake Up Call

Is it working?

This is very important in keeping on track towards your new health and
fitness goals.

If the action you are taking is not working, try something different.
If that does not work, try something different.
If that does not work, try something different.
If that does not work, try something different.
If that does not work, try something different.
If that does not work, try something different.
Get the picture?
When you left home and started out in the big world, did you find a job?
We then had to feed ourselves, buy clothes, a car rent or buy a house.
Later on, you may have started a family.

How long did it take to find a job before you just gave up?

Did you give up when it wasn’t working? Did you let all the bills pile up,
starve and walk around in the nude because you could not afford clothes?

No you didn’t. You kept going and never gave up until you got to where you
needed to be.
That determination and skill you already have. You have used it in life

The Wake Up Call

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Below is an extract from the Wake Up Call e book

The Top 5 Excuses Not to Exercise.

3. “I’ll start next week/next month/next year …”
Almost everyone is guilty of using this one at some time or another, but it’s
another excuse for never starting. New Year’s resolutions (usually with a
beer/champagne/wine in hand) are a classic version of this – at most parties
you’ll hear at least one person say “I am going to get fit and healthy next
year” … but it never happens.

So how are we going to make this year any different from the last 1,5,10 or more years you have promised yourself to get fit and healthy again ?

By turning your shoulds into musts.

Instead of saying “I should exercise” or “I should eat better”, you need to
change your current thought patterns to:


Change your current associations to exercise (for example, that exercise =
pain or discomfort) to a positive. Focus on the pleasurable results you will
get by exercising regularly and choosing healthier eating options.

How do we do that?
By getting enough leverage to change.
You need to come up with enough reasons why you must change and you
must change now to tip the scales the other way.

Whatever ‘reasons’ you have now for not exercising need to be seen for what they really are – excuses.

You have got to interrupt your current negative pattern of association to
exercise and healthier eating. One of the ways I have taught people in the past is to take a picture of yourself naked and place it where you can see it!
YES, that’s right! If you cannot face looking at your self in the mirror, put a
picture where you can see it every day so it will scare you into action!

– take it down when you have friends over, or you may never see them again. Place reminders everywhere. Hang them in the car, on the mirror, fridge,computer, in the toilet (door not bowl).
You may use my trademark saying, Excuses Change Nothing. Exercise Will!

So after reading this, what are you going to do right now to start to make a change?

Well you have already started, you have just read this article. Now it’s time to plan tomorrow and the rest of the week.

1. Walk each morning before work or before the family or friends get up, do this for 30 - 40 minutes each day of the week, NO EXCUSES ! Get back to me on how you feel. I guarantee you will start to feel better, more alert and have more energy.

2. Get a food diary on everything you eat this week and write it down, no cheating. Take a look at what you are eating and try to cut down on your worst habit e.g alcohol or dessert.

3. Invest in your health. Get a Personal Trainer to get you started & help guide you to eventually train yourself.

Just a few little tips from my experiences as a trainer over the years. It may help you with your New Year resolution in 2012.