Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Best Xmas Present Ever

Do you remember when you got your first bike? You couldn't get off it and rode it all day, and the next and the next.Your first cricket or baseball bat,basketball or frisbee.For the ladies a hoola hoop,netball or skipping rope. You could not wait to get outside and play with your best xmas present ever.

So what has happened? You now look forward to sitting down all day eating and drinking until you can't move.Isn't that similar to a lifestyle of some one you know intimately,maybe you for example? Your xmas present is now something where you don't have to move much at all,pretty much a weekly routine for some.

Xmas is a time to switch off from work relax,eat and drink.

Have you ever thought of buying the BEST XMAS PRESENT EVER for someone close to you?Family,girlfriend,boyfriend,workmate,employee,employer. Or for yourself?

What do I mean?

Well, do you know someone that is overweight, or is a skinny sedentary person? What do you think could be the best xmas present ever you could buy them?

What about a present that may save their life,a present that will help change their lifestyle and keep them around for many xmas's to come?

That present is one of the best xmas presents ever way back when you were a kid.A bike,ball,trampoline,skateboard,surfboard,skipping rope,tennis racket or a family favourite,the frisbee. Maybe a session with a personal trainer or a gym membership,whatever, as long as it gets the person up off the couch having fun whilst moving again.

You might say, well thats no fun.Why is it as we get older we have less fun and less exercise.As a kid I bet you had heaps of fun running and playing outside with your best ever xmas present.

For most people, Christmas and New Year
are all about relaxing and enjoying
themselves - which might explain why all our
good intentions regarding health tend to
vanish out the window with the arrival of the
very first Christmas card and stay that way
until the last chimes of midnight finally fade
away on New Year’s Day. But you can have
too much of a good thing and extended
eating, drinking and lounging about can really
take its toll. Little wonder that we tend to
arrive at the month of January full or remorse
and vowing to get healthy, get back in shape
and then stay healthy for the rest of the year.
Spirits are hard to avoid at this time of year
but it comes with plenty of calories as well as
hangover opportunities. So try to stick to a
damage limitation programme by alternating
soft drinks with alcohol, never drinking on an
empty stomach and having no more than one
drink per hour.
Dehydration can cause all manner of ailments
from lack of concentration to increased
appetite and exhaustion. It’s particularly worth
watching out for if you’re drinking more
alcohol than usual, so try to make sure you’re
taking in enough fluid - eight glasses of water
per day is a good rough guide.
Over-eating will help us pile on the kilograms
but it also comes with other health warnings.
A huge meal can create indigestion as well as
leave us feeling exhausted and ends up
tempting us to slob out on the sofa rather than
go for a gentle walk.
Get bored, eat more…it’s a well known aspect
of the Christmas/New Year experience that
when boredom strikes, we often reach for
more snacks. Fight a rearguard action against
empty hours by finding things to do, books to
read or games to play. If they’re good enough,
you’ll forget all about food.

Have a great Xmas and Healthy New Year from all here at

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Cancer - One of the Top 5 Consequences if excuses are used not to exercise or improve your lifestyle.
BBC News - Over 40% of cancers due to lifestyle, says review

Over 40% of cancers diagnosed each year in the UK are caused by avoidable lifestyle choices like smoking, drinking and eating the wrong things, a review reveals.


The immediate sources of fuel for our bodies are
carbohydrates (sugars and starches). These are
very important sources of energy
; sugars are the
simplest form of carbohydrate and although they
are often thought to be ‘bad’, it’s only the
over-processed sugars that have all the other
nutrients removed that you need to cut. The
others, such as those found in fruits, are a key
element of a healthy body, as blood sugar levels
play an integral part in the normal functioning
of the body - it is the only source the brain

If sugar levels are low, lethargy may creep in,
leading to decreased concentration, tiredness and
bad food choices.

Something to think about the next time you want
to cut back on carbs.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Happy Meal toys cost a dime in San Francisco |

Happy Meal toys cost a dime in San Francisco | Happy Meal toys cost a dime in San Francisco
McDonald's Corp., the world's largest restaurant chain, will stop giving out Hello Kitty figurines or any other toys with its Happy Meals in San Francisco starting Thursday because of a new city ordinance. Parents will have the option to buy a toy separately for 10 cents when they purchase a Happy Meal or Mighty Kids Meal, spokeswoman Danya Proud said. Restaurant meals in San Francisco can't include a free toy unless they have less than 600 calories, contain fruits and vegetables and have a beverage that isn't excessively sugary or fatty.

Well done the City of San Francisco, helping in the fight against child obesity.

Exercise kills more firefighters than fire does: Injury Prevention journal

Exercise kills more firefighters than fire does: Injury Prevention journal

Stephen Flanagan commented on Exercise kills more firefighters than fire does: Injury Prevention journal

"This is another headline emphasizing that exercise is harmful to the body. The general public who read this headline, and not the full ... "more…
"This is another headline emphasizing that exercise is harmful to the body. The general public who read this headline, and not the full story, will use this ridiculous article as another excuse not to start exercising. You can use that headline and change the words to any occupation. A police officer who exercises has more of a chance dying than entering a house in a domestic situation or stopping a vehicle. Firefighters who keep actively fit and eat healthy set themselves up to deal with on the job incidents. Firefighters who do the opposite of course are going to be more suseptipal to injury. On the job training will of course help prevent injury or death, along with exercise and a healthy diet. Please give me the statistics and long term results of this study. I can be confident that exercise does not kill more firefighters than fire itself. "

(3) Wake Up Call tm

(3) Wake Up Call tm

Wake Up Call™ » Personal Training

Wake Up Call™ » Personal Training

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Wake Up Call™ » eBook

Wake Up Call™ » eBook: eBook
(Digital Download)
Excuses Change Nothing, Exercise Will!
Are you ready to change the way you look and feel about your body? Read this motivational book NOW!
Follow my principles 100% in this special eBook and I guarantee that you will feel and think differently to changing and improving your current level of health and fitness!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Exercise v Cancer

Exercise v Cancer

Is there research on exercise and cancer?

Exercise the key to beating cancer The biggest – ever study into the causes of cancer has pinpointed being OVERWEIGHT and INACTIVE as significant risk factors and advised people to do more than than the standard 30 minutes of exercise a day and avoid putting on weight after the age of 21. The World Cancer Research Fund said its five-year review of 7000 studies that regular physical activity was now considered a key way to ward off the killer disease. The revised recommendation states that 30 minutes of moderate exercise is enough to start e.g moderate enough to raise your breathing but still be able to carry out a conversation, and as you become fitter aim for at least 60 minutes of moderate exercise or 30 minutes of more vigorous exercise.The study also recommended alcohol to be limited to one drink a day for women and 2 for men. Source: World Cancer Research Fund.

I suggest cut it out throughout the week or have one every other day. I also suggest men follow womens limit – 1 per day.Don’t forget, you are still putting alcohol into your system, it really should not be even going in there.Unfortunately,that is the way some have conditioned their bodies over time. The report carried out with the American Institute for Cancer said about 40% of all cancers were thought to be linked with food, lack of exercise and body weight. Naturally skinny people do not get away with it either. Looking skinny but still leading a similar lifestyle does not make you healthy. Keep it simple EXERCISE REGULARILY, CUT DOWN ON PROCESSED FOODS AND FAT,BURN MORE THAN YOU CONSUME,EAT MORE FRUIT and VEGETABLES. There are no tricks,potions,quick fix remedies or magical operations. It is about whats ticking inside that is screaming out for you to treat it better. Source


How Often Should I Exercise ?

How often should I exercise?

People often get confused or overwhelmed by trying to work out how much exercise to do. They don’t do enough, and get disappointed by the lack of results, sometimes giving up and going back to their old ways. They try to do too much, and exhaust or injure themselves on their first attempt, which leaves them unable to do anything for a while. Sometimes, people think they’ll need to spend hours every day on a treadmill, and the thought of this puts them off even starting. But it’s simple. All you need to do to begin with is exercise 3-4 times a week. For example, you could choose Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and once over the weekend. Have a rest day in between to let your body recover. You may want to train more than that, even every day. I have one day off per week to give my body a complete rest, but this is different for everyone.
Warning, you will eventually want to train everyday as the feeling of being fit and healthy will take over your mind and body.

Wake Up Call™ » Total Body Workout

Wake Up Call™ » Total Body Workout: Total Body Workout
The Wake Up Call™ Total Body Workout is just that, a total body workout. Designed for those that have no time to exercise. Feel more energized, healthy, happy and stronger.
Proven over the last seventeen years with over 2500 clients using this system, it is guaranteed to tone up and trim body fat. Using the unique Wake Up Call™ workout weight bar and skipping rope, follow the quick and easy steps throughout the video to give yourself a great workout.
Wake Up Call™ Skipping Rope
Wake Up Call™ Weight Bar
Total Body Workout Video
Skipping Workout Video