Monday, April 16, 2012

The Wake Up Call

For Everyone

The Wake Up कॉल

For Everyone

We know any form of exercise is beneficial to us. We also know anybody, any age, gender, race, physical make up….CAN engage in a form of activity. Heart disease does not discriminate against anybody.

The question is why do we want to exercise? Especially when we have no time or the motivation to get off our butts in front of the box (TV, computer), in the box (car) and when we have a million more important things that we could be doing.


First of all, when excuses creep into your thoughts everyday as to why you can’t exercise, that make you feel better but do not serve you well for the future. Ask yourself one question. Is this excuse I am using going to make me feel better about myself later on? When I feel fat, guilty, lethargic and stressed? Compared to feeling happy, stress free, energized, and ready to take on the day whatever it deals up if I did my daily exercise.

Daily exercise will lower your risk of heart disease and ill health including diabetes, cancer, and osteoporosis. Think of this next time you come up with an excuse.