Monday, April 27, 2015

The Heart - your body's motor.

The Wake Up Call: Excuses Change Nothing. Exercise Will.
Note: Please consult your doctor before undertaking any exercise program.

The Heart – your body’s motor.

Imagine your body as a car, with your heart as the motor.
Would you put leaded petrol in an unleaded tank?
Why do you put oil and water into your vehicle?
Why do you service and tune your car?
What would happen if you didn’t take care of the car? Could it just keep running
indefinitely? Your body is the most valuable vehicle you’ll ever own, and you only get
Now, how are you going to treat your body’s motor from now on?

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wakeupcall Fit Tip - Dehydration


Dehydration occurs when the body loses excessive fluid. Blood thickens and slows down,and less reaches the working muscles, reducing your ability to exercise.
Not replacing fluids can result in lethargy, dizziness, headaches, cramps and a raised heart rate. This state is easy to avoid; simply remember to drink water before during and after exercising. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty.
For example, drink a couple of glasses before you start, then another for every 15 – 20 minutes of exercise. And don’t forget when you’re done to keep drinking to ensure that the lost fluids are replaced.

Muscle Soreness

Muscle Soreness.

Around 12 hours after exercise, your muscles may be sore – particularly if you’ve
performed vigorous unfamiliar movements. This can be painful, but don’t let it put you
off. It’s a sign that your muscles have worked hard, and are rebuilding themselves. With
regular exercise, your body will adapt and as your fitness improves, the soreness will
But be careful – don’t confuse this natural reaction with an injury. Ensure you maintain
the correct posture and technique for each exercise, and remember to stretch before and
after each workout.