Sunday, December 16, 2012

Global report: Obesity bigger health crisis than hunger


Global report: Obesity bigger health

crisis than hunger

What are some of the consequences that may happen if people retain or creep back into a sedentary lifestyle?

  • Various cancers.  E.g renal cancer, and esophagus cancer. 
  • Osteoporosis,
  • Diabetes – Type 1 and Type 2,
  • Stroke...and the number one is
  • Heart Attack.   
You know, there is a lot of discrimination in the world still today, the heart can proudly say it discriminates against no one.  It doesn't matter whether you’re fat, skinny, tall, short – it doesn't discriminate on creed, color or race.  A stroke happens when blood supply to the brain is cut off.  This is usually caused by a blockage of blood flow to a part of the brain.  The blockage can stop blood taking oxygen and nutrients to the affected areas and result in permanent damage to that part of the brain. Stroke changes the lives of thousands of people all over the world.  Hey, imagine waking up one morning and being suddenly and permanently paralyzed on one side of your body.  You can understand words but you cannot speak or write.  Having to relearn how to perform the simplest activities - daily living, eating, dressing and bathing.  The brain controls the way we move, speak and eat.  Everything we do is controlled by different parts of the brain.  Regular exercise and healthy eating can help prevent you being part of this study group.

Sunday, November 25, 2012




Can our daily routine affect our health in the long term? 

Sure, the daily routine can be harmful.  I've got a good one for the readers out there.
  • We go to sleep 8-10 hours, a day most of us. 
  • We wake up and hopefully have some breakfast.  Some of us don’t have any.  
  • We get into our cars, sit down and we drive to work. 
  • We get to work and we sit down. 
  • Lunchtime comes so we get up, go get something to eat, we then we sit down and eat. 
  • We go back to work and sit down. 
  • We finish work, get into our cars, sit down and drive home. 
  • We get home – and are absolutely so tired, we have got to crash out on the couch, maybe watch a little bit of TV, then cook the biggest meal of the day, because that is the way we were raised as a child.
  • We go back to sleep, and start the process again.
This goes on from Monday to Friday. Come Friday or Saturday, we’ve got to celebrate so we may go to the pub or restaurant, treat ourselves to a meal out. We may add some alcohol,take away food or desert. This goes continues throughout the week, we then start again Monday. All this without moving! The DAILY ROUTINE, may have something to do with why the population is getting larger and larger.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Location - a hospital in Australia.we are sitting down and out comes the autopsy guys and explain the procedure, what’s going to happen, what were about to see. They point out the exits in case we have to go outside during the procedure. They give us something to put under our noses, just in case we didn’t like the smell.  One of the guys disappear, he comes back with a trolley that had a white sheet with a large lump underneath.  They explain again what is just about to happen – they tell a few jokes, but none of us laughed, due to our expectations on what is to follow. 
I’m not going into detail of the autopsy, but two things that I remember from it, why I became a health and fitness professional. One was the smell of death, where a lot of people describe it differently – some call it sickly, I call it a nothing smell. It wasn’t a smell that was putrid, but it is a smell that you would never forget for the rest of your life. The other thing was the color of body fatthe most disgusting, putrid yellow you can think of, that was the color of body fat.  Those two things alone helped me decide to help the population get fit and healthy again.
Top 5 possible consequences of leading a sedentary
1. Cancers
The human body is designed to move, not be stationary for long periods of time. There is growing evidence that a sedentary lifestyle is a major cause of various cancers
2. Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones become fragile and more likely to break.
3. Diabetes
There are two main types of diabetes, commonly referred to as type 1 and type 2. Type 2 diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases among the major risk factors include: increasing age; excess weight;  physical inactivity; poor diet and nutrition; and impaired glucose tolerance.
4. Stroke
Imagine waking up one morning and being suddenly and permanently paralysed on one side of the body. Being perfectly able to understand words, but unable to speak or write.

Yes, it is an attack - and you can be sure it will hurt you!
A heart attack occurs when there is a sudden, complete blockage of an artery that supplies blood to an area of the heart
(source: Heart Foundation).
Excuses change nothing…Exercise will.  

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Thursday, October 04, 2012

S.T.A.R.T. How do I become healthy again.

How Do I Become Healthy Again

I have been asked this question hundreds of times over the years, working as a personal Trainer.

Here is your answer, with no hidden secret shake formula, or a platform where you stand still and it vibrates, nor a piece of wrap that when you put it on, it miraculously sheds excess weight.

S - Start. MOVE NOW, not tomorrow,next week,next month or next year.

T - Time. MOVE for 30 - 60 minutes.

A - Aerobic. No I don't mean aerobics ( unless you want to), I mean move where your heart rate increases and   you start to slightly puff, to a comfortable level.

R - Rest. Something you have been doing for too long, that is why you don't like looking at yourself in the mirror. Or, you cannot even play with your kids anymore without practically having a cardiac arrest.

T - Type. Start with a walk and build up to other activities that keeps the body challenged, gives variety and keeps you motivated. You will feel the sensation you felt when you used to be fit, remember how fantastic did you feel back then?

Excuses change nothing...Exercise will.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Why exercise can actually make it more difficult to lose weight...
Now I'm sure this heading has attracted hundreds of interested readers. It is an ad, not some headline, ground breaking, front page science break through I located in a reputed Medical Journal from Harvard University. I found it in a full page spread in a local newspaper. Not once but numerous times.
They even quote scientific research that backs it up.
But hold on, it goes on to say...Plus what to do instead to rid yourself of excess pounds...
The advertisement 1932, what! 1932? apparently a Russell Wilder, an obesity and diabetes expert at Mayo Clinic noted his patients tended to lose weight with bed rest than they did with strenuous physical activity. WOW! maybe he should update his study, because I don't think back then there was a problem, as most people had to get somewhere by some way, mostly walking. Work was physical, there was no computers, Play stations, fast food outlets, big screen TV's and the dependence on getting somewhere with a car.
In 1940...well that's progressed...North-western University endocrinologist Hogo Rony, stated that "..vigorous muscle exercise usually results in immediate demand for a large meal.."
then he said..."if someone changes their occupation from light work to heavy work they soon develop a larger appetite."
Steve Gortmaker,who heads up Harvards Prevention Centre on Nutrition and Physical Activity explains it like this: " The most powerful determinant of your dietary intake is energy expenditure." That's right... (refer Quickslim tm advert The Weekend West Sept 8-9,2012).
They then highlight this heading in bold writing again...The More You exercise the more you eat...all with capitals of course.
I'm sure Mr Gortmaker did not expect one line from his statement to be highlighted and used for selling a slimming shake product.
Of course exercise makes you eat more! How else is your body going to run efficiently? Did the creators of this advertisement decide not to fill their car up for petrol this week?
Let me explain what I mean...
Your motor vehicle and your heart
Take a moment to think about your motor vehicle. It has a motor that keeps
it going. It needs fuel and maintenance. It’s valuable to you so you take care
of it, right?
Do you put leaded petrol into your unleaded tank?
What will happen to your motor vehicle if you did this?
It would probably breakdown and die, or at least cost a lot of money to
Imagine if you stopped putting oil and water in your motor vehicle. If you
stopped servicing and tuning it up. If you left it sitting in the garage, getting
dusty, but kept putting more and more leaded petrol into your unleaded tank.
Now think of your body in the same way. You may not realise it, but it’s the
most expensive (try buying another one!) valuable one-of-a-kind vehicles
you’ll ever have.
How are you treating it? Are you giving it the attention it deserves?
Now think back to your body’s motor – the heart. Are you making sure it
has everything it needs to run smoothly?
It's what kind of fuel you put in your fuel tank,  is why you might not lose the weight you are trying for. Often, people exercise but afterwards in their minds they think, hey, I have just exercised like everyone has been telling me, now I am going to treat myself with a treat say cake, alcohol or maybe some fast-food. How is this fuel tank going to be running with this type of toxic fuel in it?
Now to the headline of Exercise Won't Make You Thin.
They mention how exercise will actually make you heavier.
How else does a sedentary person, that rarely uses any muscle besides the effort to eat or reach for the remote, get moving again to burn off the calories?  They MOVE their body.
The muscles grow because when they are not used doing nothing. To actually use them again, the muscles have to get moving, become stronger to do the things that they were made for. Think back when you were a kid , back then was a fantastic time when we ran, hopped ,jumped, skipped and climbed all over the monkey you remember how great you felt back then?
Muscles weigh more than fat, Muscles weigh more than fat, Muscles weigh more than fat.
This is why I tell many clients(mostly women) to stay off the scales, at least don't get on them every day.
But, this is how marketers do it, they grab a headline put it in bold, fill the rest of the page with small writing (because you'll never read it) and make sure their fantastic, ground breaking, scientific shake is all you need to lose weight.
Don't worry about exercise it only will give you the following...
umm... I think I will stick to exercising and a sensible diet thanks.
Excuses change nothing...Exercise will.                    

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


  1. Be positive and patient. Remember it has taken a few years to get your body the way it is today, it won’t happen overnight.
  2. Start NOW, making adjustments to your diet. You have gained the weight because of poor eating habits. Throw out all of the food at home you think is bad for you, TODAY!!
  3. Think about what you are eating, read food labels (fat, sugar, and salt content). Because it’s 97% fat free doesn’t mean they have taken the sugar content out.
  4. Eat more non processed foods. Eat more fruit and veg.
  5. Cut out all alcohol during the week. Don’t over do it on weekends
  6. Drink more water. You will need more now that you are exercising.
  7. Start exercising yourself. 30 minutes per day. Get moving!!

Keep focused on your goals. Focus on the end result every day. You can do it!!

The Wake Up Call

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Wake Up Call

The Wake Up Call

Weight Loss - How to succeed # 1.

Get rid of the negative self-talk such as “I always give up.” Instead, tell yourself “I never give up!”
Know why you’ve set your health and fitness goals, and remind yourself every day that they will help you lose weight, feel better about yourself and the world in general, and increase your confidence.
Assess your progress realistically. Is it working? Are your clothes getting looser? Do you enjoy it? If not, try something different. If that doesn’t work, try something different. If that’s not working … try something different until it works.
Believe in yourself, and that you can reach your goals!

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I've Got To Cut Back On My Carbs...Interview With The Nutritionist.

Interview with The Nutritionist
“I’ve got to cut back on my carbs”
The Wake Up Call™ Audio Program CD 2: Interviews with health professionals.
  • Listen to doctors, a physiotherapist, a dentist, an optometrist, a nutritionist, a chef and a mum of four
  • Listen to what the experts have to say
  • Share their knowledge and experience
  • Learn from what they are seeing everyday
Read below an extract from my interview with The Nutritionist

“I’ve got to cut back on my carbs”.  Can you explain this common theory?

Carbohydrates are actually classed according to something called the Glycemic Index and that refers to how quickly that carbohydrate is absorbed once you eat it. Now that’s classed as low Glycemic/high Glycemic and if you’re eating carbohydrates that are very quickly absorbed and digested, they’re basically high Glycemic Index and you don’t get long-lasting energy.  So for example, that would be things like soft drinks, lollies etc. so if you eat them constantly, you never get a long-lasting energy and that’s not good for you; your brain can’t function properly, and you physically cannot function properly so it’s actually not generally the amount of carbohydrate.  It can be the type of carbohydrate that’s being chosen and if there’s insufficient fibre with that carbohydrate, it doesn’t fill you up and you keep eating more and more of it.

How can we include fibre in our diet?

Fibre is fantastic and it actually really fills you up some examples of that; fruit and veggies are the big ones so having two serves of fruit a day and five serves of veggies gets you a long way into it.  Breads and cereals are really important and people think they should cut that out of their daily intake when in fact they should be increasing it more than anything.  It just means choosing wholegrain breads and cereals and you can eat quite a large quantity of that.  Beans and other legumes are an excellent source of fibre.  Nuts and seeds are really good sources also.

The Wake Up Call

Monday, June 11, 2012

The Wake Up Call

The Wake Up Call™ Audio Program CD 2: Interviews with health professionals.
  • Listen to doctors, a physiotherapist, a dentist, an optometrist, a nutritionist, a chef and a mum of four
  • Listen to what the experts have to say
  • Share their knowledge and experience
  • Learn from what they are seeing everyday
 Click on the link below to

The Wake Up Call

Friday, June 08, 2012

Wake Up Call™ » Fit Tips

Wake Up Call™ » Fit Tips

Fit Tips
(SMS Delivery)

Stay focused all year with weekly health and fitness tips, delivered via SMS to help keep you motivated and inspired! Compiled by the Wake Up Call™ Personal Trainer, motivating you to achieve your new health and fitness goals!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Sports, energy drinks ruin teeth, says new study

Sports, energy drinks ruin teeth, says new study

Too much every day of the week adds up.

2 x per day = 14 per week = 56 per month = 672 per year.

The body can handle only so much.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

The Wake Up Call™ Total Body Workout

The Wake Up Call™ Total Body Workout

just letting you know how the workouts are going.
I can now keep up with you doing the rowing exercises in the total body workout. I remember when i first started doing the workout i could barely hold the bar up for a count of 20, let alone keep up with you so I have come a long way. And the personal circuit has done wonders for my legs. It makes it easier to run because my thighs are getting so much stronger.
And my partner said to me the other day "your legs are looking really fit now, they dont look flabby any more". I'm taking it as a compliment! :-)
I didnt think I could ever look like this again at my age but you have done it for me. And i havent had to do long hard workouts at the gym or pay huge gym fees!!! I have done it all at home and squeezed a workout into everyday because they are so quick.
I love it!!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Wake Up Call

For Everyone

The Wake Up कॉल

For Everyone

We know any form of exercise is beneficial to us. We also know anybody, any age, gender, race, physical make up….CAN engage in a form of activity. Heart disease does not discriminate against anybody.

The question is why do we want to exercise? Especially when we have no time or the motivation to get off our butts in front of the box (TV, computer), in the box (car) and when we have a million more important things that we could be doing.


First of all, when excuses creep into your thoughts everyday as to why you can’t exercise, that make you feel better but do not serve you well for the future. Ask yourself one question. Is this excuse I am using going to make me feel better about myself later on? When I feel fat, guilty, lethargic and stressed? Compared to feeling happy, stress free, energized, and ready to take on the day whatever it deals up if I did my daily exercise.

Daily exercise will lower your risk of heart disease and ill health including diabetes, cancer, and osteoporosis. Think of this next time you come up with an excuse.