Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Mouse Potato Job

The Mouse Potato Job.

A friend of mine recently started a new job where she sits down in front of a computer 12 hours a day. She joined a team of fellow workers at the Mouse Potato Factory.

The Mouse Potato Factory is a group of workers that sit all day long moving a computer mouse in front of a computer screen.They drive to work,sit down,have lunch sitting down,go back to work sitting down,drive home eventually sit down and most likely find another mouse to operate on  another computer or look at mobile phone or TV...eat the biggest meal of the day...then go to bed.

I asked her what is she doing to combat this sedentary job, to prevent her from gaining weight and becoming unhealthy.

She told me she already knew what to expect in her employment. So she figured out some reasons why she was not going to let her sedentary job jeopardize her current healthy lifestyle.

She came up with the following reasons -

  • Her current level of health and fitness makes her feel fantastic inside
  • She has so much energy she does not want to lose it.
  • She looks fantastic
  • She can handle work related stress better.
  • She is fitter and stronger
  • She is so motivated to keep on exercising.
 Here is what she did to help not becoming a Mouse Potato

  • She got off her butt every hour and walked some nearby internal stairs.
  • She stood up and carried out some work.
  • She constantly stretched her legs,back,neck,hands and wrists.
  • During her break she got outside and went for a run, she include exercises during the run to mix it up.
  • She sometimes rode to work.
  • She prepared her meals to make sure she ate healthy at work.
  • She ignored the endless cakes,biscuits,chocolates that seem to be a daily office necessity.
  • She drank water and stayed away from energy drinks,Coke and other soft drinks.
 In summary, she MOVED, she got it into her head that the body was supposed to move, that the feeling from doing that far outweighs becoming a MOUSE POTATO.

Not a good choice if your sitting on your butt all day.     

Healthy lifestyle may cut stroke risk in half for women: new study from Sweden

Wakeupcall #health News Alert.

Healthy lifestyle may cut stroke risk in half for women: new study from Sweden

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Rewind the Future If You Lead a Sedentary Life.

Rewind the Future If You Lead a Sedentary Life.
A look into the possible outcome for those that choose a sedentary life.
For those that use excuses not to exercise, do some of these below ring a bell?
Here are the top 5 excuses I have heard over 21 years as a personal trainer why people cannot exercise -
5. It’s too hot or cold.
4. It’s too expensive.
3. It’s too dark.
2. I have no energy.
I’m afraid this guy in the obesity ad you have just seen, probably used this excuse time and time again.
He valued a sedentary life and poor eating habits over his health.
In the end his heart had no more time for him.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Problem with High Protein/ Low Carbohydrate Diets

The Problem with High Protein/ Low Carbohydrate Diets
If you cut carbohydrates drastically and add corresponding amount of protein, your body is forced to turn to an inferior fuel source: protein metabolites called ketones. Because ketones are toxic, your kidneys go into overdrive to flush them out of your system. In the process, you drain water from your tissues. Since a litre of water weighs about a kilogram, you can lose a lot of weight very quickly on a high / protein / low- carbohydrate diet. And you may drop an additional kilogram or two because you’re eating less. 
There’s good news on the scales, perhaps, but bad news for your body. You’ve lost mainly water – along with calcium from your bones and protein from your muscles, but not as much fat as you think. Your kidneys are under stress, you may become dehydrated, which puts an extra strain on your heart. Few people can or should stay on this kind of diet in the long run. The weight usually returns quickly as the body’s water supply is restored. 
·         Exercise with a partner
·         Vary your exercise activities
·         Look for other exercise facilities such as parks or pools 
·         Use an exercise bike whilst watching TV
·         Try an exercise class
·         Di-arise your exercise daily
·         Choose an exercise that you enjoy
·         When jogging or walking or cycling vary your exercise route
·         Go for a morning or afternoon walks along the beach
·         Take up a team sport
·         Buy some new exercise gear

The Problem with High Protein/ Low Carbohydrate Diets

If you cut carbohydrates drastically and add
corresponding amount of protein, your body is forced to turn to an
inferior fuel source: protein metabolites called ketones. Because
ketones are toxic, your kidneys go into overdrive to flush them out of
your system. In the process, you drain water from your tissues. Since a
litre of water weighs about a kilogram, you can lose a lot of weight
very quickly on a high / protein / low- carbohydrate diet. And you may
drop an additional kilogram or two because you’re eating less.

There’s good news on the scales, perhaps, but
bad news for your body. You’ve lost mainly water – along with calcium
from your bones and protein from your muscles, but not as much fat as
you think. Your kidneys are under stress, you may become dehydrated,
which puts an extra strain on your heart. Few people can or should stay
on this kind of diet in the long run. The weight usually returns quickly
as the body’s water supply is restored.

·         Exercise with a partner
·         Vary your exercise activities
·         Look for other exercise facilities such as parks or pools
·         Use an exercise bike whilst watching TV
·         Try an exercise class
·         Di-arise your exercise daily
·         Choose an exercise that you enjoy
·         When jogging or walking or cycling vary your exercise route
·         Go for a morning or afternoon walks along the beach
·         Take up a team sport
·         Buy some new exercise gear

Sunday, July 13, 2014

One of the reasons the world has an overweight problem.

One of the reasons the world has an overweight problem.

I traveled on the train the other day and already knew what to expect
when commuters had a choice of taking the escalator or the stairs after
exiting the train..

It is not the first time I have seen this, but it was great to get it
on video to assist with my view on why, as a global population are

Here is the answer to your personal battle with the bulge around the old gut….


have one)
Really, it is that easy! There are no hidden formulas, diets, special super
magic powder, vitamins, minerals, protein powders or magic bloody wands!
But wait - if it was that easy we all would be fit and healthy, wouldn’t we?
Think back when you were last fit and healthy. It might have been 1, 5, 10,
or even 20 years ago.
What could you do back then?
Could you run, hop, skip, jump, throw a ball, ride a bike, throw a Frisbee?
Do you remember what those things are? Could you walk the stairs and still
be able to laugh and talk?

So start moving again and begin to take the stairs instead of the lazy lifts in your part of the world.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Winter & Summer Health.

For those of you in around the world exercising in the winter months.

the immune system is fighting a cold, it is better to exercise at a
controlled intensity. Exhaustive exercise depletes the body's ability to
fight bacteria and viruses for up to 72 hours afterwards. Therefore, it
is important to listen to your body and maybe a brisk walk at 60 - 70%
of your max heart rate might be suitable for you. Rest and hydration is
the best way to deal with most flu like symptoms.

For those of you around the world exercising in the summer months.

is not a good indicator of whether or not you should drink water.By the
time your thirsty you may have already lost significant levels of
fluid.You can lose 1 x litre of fluid per hour and even more in hot

Other health stuff.

Personal health & fitness appraisal,why have one?

will gauge your current level of fitness, assess your health and
determine your fitness goals. If you are just turning up to a gym or
going around in circles with your workouts getting nowhere fast, seek a
professional to carry out an appraisal for you. That is one of the
services a personal trainer should provide you with.


Q. How can I calculate my body/fat ratio?

A. Well, if you have a body and you have body fat, your ratio is one to one. If you have to bodies your ratio is two to one.

One glass


Money is the most envied but least enjoyed, Health is the most enjoyed but least envied - Charles Caleb Coulton.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Wake Up Call Health News Alert.

Wake Up Call Health News Alert

It’s not enough for people to get regular moderate exercise as they
age. Researchers say it’s also important not to spend the rest your time
sitting too much.

In fact, for every hour of sedentary behavior, the odds were 46%
greater that people older than 60 would have some disability in ordinary
skills such as getting around the house and feeding themselves,
according to the study published Wednesday in the Journal of Physical
Activity & Health.

Being sedentary will lead to problems “independent of time spent in
moderate or vigorous activity,” concluded the researchers, from
Northwestern’s Feinberg Medical School, Rush University Medical Center, Harvard School of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

People who replace even half an hour of sedentary time with 30
minutes of light activity can improve their health, researchers said.
Stand-up bingo, anyone?

“A sedentary lifestyle is associated with a variety of poor health
outcomes, including increased incidence for diabetes, cardiovascular
disease and mortality,” the researchers wrote. http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-sedentary-disability-20140219,0,7209026.story

How do you feel right now? Let me take wild guess …

• Tired?
• Stressed?
• Weak?
• Overweight?
• Depressed?
• Sad and ashamed to look at your self in the mirror?
Am I right?
Here is the secret answer that most people cannot find……

have one)
Really, it is that easy! There are no hidden formulas, diets, special super
magic powder, vitamins, minerals, protein powders or magic bloody wands!
But wait - if it was that easy we all would be fit and healthy, wouldn’t we?
Think back when you were last fit and healthy. It
might have been 1, 5, 10, or even 20 years ago. What could you do back
then? Could you run, hop, skip, jump, throw a ball, ride a bike, throw a
Frisbee? Do you remember what those things are? Could you walk the
stairs and still be able to laugh and talk? How did you feel back then? I
bet you had heaps of energy, felt alive, and felt strong and happy. You
looked forward to getting outside and living a healthy life. You were
excited about what the day might bring, and felt proud of yourself and
what you could do.
Remember when it gets hard - Excuses change nothing…Exercise will.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

U.S. cracks down on fad weight-loss powders, skin creams


U.S. cracks down on fad weight-loss powders, skin creams

Posted on January 7, 2014

(Reuters) – Americans putting their faith in so-called miracle cures
to shed unwanted pounds are bound to be disappointed, U.S. regulators
said on Tuesday in announcing settlements with four companies accused of
deceptively advertising such weight-loss products.

The Federal Trade Commission won agreements from L’Occitane, Inc.;
Sensa Products LLC; HCG Diet Direct LLC; and Leanspa LLC. The
settlements required them to drop unsubstantiated claims from their ads
and, in some cases, to return money to consumers.

The FTC also urged media outlets to scrutinize advertisements more carefully to avoid publishing
potentially misleading ads, noting that some of the advertisements for
the products – from food additives to skin creams – appeared in
mainstream publications.

The commission provided guidance for publishers and broadcasters on how to screen weight-loss claims in advertisements.

The only slim element of the products is their chance of success,
said Jessica Rich, director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection.

“Resolutions to lose weight are easy to make but hard to keep. And
the chances of being successful just by sprinkling something on your
food, rubbing cream on your thighs, or using a supplement are slim to
none,” Rich said.

Here is an extract from The Wake Up Call™ Part 2: Interviews with health professionals.Read on to find out what a GP has to say about this subject. 

The Doctor.

Stephen: People are wanting a quick fix to lose
weight.  It is getting more popular to take a pill thinking that will
solve all their problems. Can you explain this?

Dr: When we’re looking at weight control, a lot of
people would like to believe, and it’s just like going to Lotto.  You
take your numbers and you hope that you’re going to win Lotto that
particular weekend and it’s the same with weight management if people
believe that one particular medication is going to reverse everything. 
Weight management is a complex issue and there’s not easy road.  If you
start to listen to that particular concept that it is not easy but it is
reversible with a lot of effort, you will have a successful outcome but
you have to be consistent.  See a lot of people say – a snapshot – I’ll
do this for a little while – I’ve got a wedding to go to, I need to fit
into a particular dress, I’ve got to look good for my daughter or my
son and basically they’ll put in an effort and they’ll go to all of
these weight-reducing programs and they’ll spend heaps of money on
medications because there are medications that will help you.  But all
of these particular programs, whilst you are pursuing it, the guarantee
is of course you will lose weight and that’s true whilst you pursue the
rules and you stick to the diet and you reduce your calorie input and
you increase your exercise output then you’re going to reduce your
weight.  But the problem is like everyone which is a natural response,
after the wedding, the shackles come off, the complacency comes back in,
a lot of people go to their old habits, nibble here and nibbled there
and suddenly that magic program that they were involved in with a lot of
heart, sweat and dedication suddenly is all gone out the window and
people will put on weight again.  Do you consider one tablet to do all
of this is false.

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Another Fad Diet To Set You Up For Failure.

Another Fad Diet To Set You Up For Failure.

WOW, 4.5 kg’s in a week and by eating soup! Now that is a diet I will stick to for life….

…or you could try what I have taught my clients since 1993. Have a
read and hopefully you can take something from it that helps improve
your health and fitness.

Self Motivate Your Way to Better Health

One of the ways I have taught people in the past is to take a picture of

yourself naked and place it where you can see it.

YES, that’s right!

If you cannot face looking at your self in the mirror, put a

picture where you can see it every day so it will scare you into


WARNING – take it down when you have friends over, or you may never see them again.

Place reminders everywhere. Hang them in the car, on the mirror, fridge,

computer, in the toilet (door not bowl).

You may use my trademark saying –

 Excuses Change Nothing. Exercise Will!

Or something like –

 Every day and every way I am getting fitter and healthier YES,YES, YES!!!

Or maybe –

All I need is within me now!

Or you could try –

There is no better feeling on earth than fit and healthy!

Make up your own positive messages that mean something to you

personally. Hang up a dress or pants you want to fit into … just do

something that will interrupt your thought pattern.

Write down 10 reasons why you must change today.

“If I don’t change my health will continue to deteriorate.”

Write 10 pleasurable feelings you will get from being fit and healthy again like

“I will have heaps of energy and feeling alive again!”

Write 5 new actions you are going to take to follow through.

“I am going to go on the web or yellow pages and research the best
available personal trainer I can find and invest in getting my health
back to where it should be.”

Have fun with it, but do it.