Wednesday, December 21, 2011

For most people, Christmas and New Year
are all about relaxing and enjoying
themselves - which might explain why all our
good intentions regarding health tend to
vanish out the window with the arrival of the
very first Christmas card and stay that way
until the last chimes of midnight finally fade
away on New Year’s Day. But you can have
too much of a good thing and extended
eating, drinking and lounging about can really
take its toll. Little wonder that we tend to
arrive at the month of January full or remorse
and vowing to get healthy, get back in shape
and then stay healthy for the rest of the year.
Spirits are hard to avoid at this time of year
but it comes with plenty of calories as well as
hangover opportunities. So try to stick to a
damage limitation programme by alternating
soft drinks with alcohol, never drinking on an
empty stomach and having no more than one
drink per hour.
Dehydration can cause all manner of ailments
from lack of concentration to increased
appetite and exhaustion. It’s particularly worth
watching out for if you’re drinking more
alcohol than usual, so try to make sure you’re
taking in enough fluid - eight glasses of water
per day is a good rough guide.
Over-eating will help us pile on the kilograms
but it also comes with other health warnings.
A huge meal can create indigestion as well as
leave us feeling exhausted and ends up
tempting us to slob out on the sofa rather than
go for a gentle walk.
Get bored, eat more…it’s a well known aspect
of the Christmas/New Year experience that
when boredom strikes, we often reach for
more snacks. Fight a rearguard action against
empty hours by finding things to do, books to
read or games to play. If they’re good enough,
you’ll forget all about food.

Have a great Xmas and Healthy New Year from all here at

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