Saturday, February 07, 2015

Fit Tip - ENERGY

  1. The Wake Up Call: Excuses Change Nothing. Exercise Will.

    A unit of energy is called a kilojoule (kJ), which replaces the calorie (cal) as energy’s
    unit of measurement. There are 4.2 kJ to every cal, and a kilocalorie (kcal) =1000 cal.
    They’re most often used to describe energy content of food, or the energy required by a
    particular form of exercising.
    For example, 280 g of beer contains 429 kJ (100 cal). This is the equivalent to the energy
    required to run 1.6 km in around six to seven minutes.
    16250 kJ (3800 cal) equates to half a kilo of body fat!
    Unless burned as energy it is stored as body fat in the body.

    Excuses change nothing…Exercise will - Flanagan 1998.

    Note: Please consult your doctor before undertaking any exercise program.

    Have a look at this sign, study it for a moment. Can you count the healthy to the unhealthy food in this deal?

    First of all, we are going to get the regular response of…oh yeah but

    The only, butt, you will get, if you use these deals
    on a regular basis, is the one that continues to grow while you sit
    down and read this blog. Or the waistline that is also growing each year
    you grow older.

    It is a shame that a business like this has to give in to the general population to keep the profits up. It’s business, all businesses have to answer to shareholders and pay the bills in order to survive.

    This sign is a classic example. I remember Subway had a huge
    marketing campaign when they first came out, you know, the large guy
    that lost all that weight. I don’t remember seeing deals like this. I
    guarantee if he did live on Subway deals like this, he wouldn’t be used
    in their advertising campaign.

    To keep up with competition, who are also selling and marketing fast
    food, that tastes so good (but is not good for you), the consumer knows
    they shouldn’t have it, but have it anyway and on a regular basis, these
    deals need to be advertised in order to attract the general population
    that just don’t get it, and probably never will.

    I know it’s a tad negative, but it’s true.

    Here is a little test for you.

    Go down to your local shopping mall,sit down with you buddy somewhere
    that is busy with shoppers. Count how many people you see that appear
    to exercise and eat healthy, to those that do nothing for their health. I
    guarantee you that the comparison will be shocking.

    This is the general population I am talking about.

    So here is a little something that may help those that fall into the general population category.

    Did you know:

    Approximately 40% of your body mass is made of muscle tissue. Most muscles are
    designed to move bones around, but some provide the force to perform other key
    functions, such as your heart. Your cardio system (heart and blood cells) and respiratory
    system (lungs and air passages) work together, transporting oxygen to working muscles
    and removing waste products. A heart attack is when an artery carrying blood to the heart
    becomes blocked, usually from a build up of fats (cholesterol) in the lining of the arteries,
    which means these systems can’t do their job effectively and your heart is put under too
    much pressure.

  3. Mouse Potato Job.
  4. Rewind the Future If You Lead a Sedentary Life.
    A look into the possible outcome for those that choose a sedentary life.
    For those that use excuses not to exercise, do some of these below ring a bell?
    Here are the top 5 excuses I have heard over 21 years as a personal trainer why people cannot exercise -
    5. It’s too hot or cold.
    4. It’s too expensive.
    3. It’s too dark.
    2. I have no energy.
    I’m afraid this guy in the obesity ad you have just seen, probably used this excuse time and time again.
    He valued a sedentary life and poor eating habits over his health.
    In the end his heart had no more time for him.
  5. The Problem with High Protein/ Low Carbohydrate Diets

    If you cut carbohydrates drastically and add corresponding amount of
    protein, your body is forced to turn to an inferior fuel source: protein
    metabolites called ketones. Because ketones are toxic, your kidneys go
    into overdrive to flush them out of your system. In the process, you
    drain water from your tissues. Since a litre of water weighs about a
    kilogram, you can lose a lot of weight very quickly on a high / protein /
    low- carbohydrate diet. And you may drop an additional kilogram or two
    because you’re eating less.

    There’s good news on the scales, perhaps, but bad news for your body.
    You’ve lost mainly water – along with calcium from your bones and
    protein from your muscles, but not as much fat as you think. Your
    kidneys are under stress, you may become dehydrated, which puts an extra
    strain on your heart. Few people can or should stay on this kind of
    diet in the long run. The weight usually returns quickly as the body’s
    water supply is restored.


    ·         Exercise with a partner

    ·         Vary your exercise activities

    ·         Look for other exercise facilities such as parks or pools

    ·         Use an exercise bike whilst watching TV

    ·         Try an exercise class

    ·         Di-arise your exercise daily

    ·         Choose an exercise that you enjoy

    ·         When jogging or walking or cycling vary your exercise route

    ·         Go for a morning or afternoon walks along the beach

    ·         Take up a team sport

    ·         Buy some new exercise gear


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