Thursday, May 19, 2016

Wakeupcall Fit Tips - Mid Morning Slump

The Wake Up Call: Excuses Change Nothing. Exercise Will.
Note: Please consult your doctor before undertaking any exercise program.

The Mid Morning Slump. 

This is a surprisingly common phenomenon. Even if you’ve slept for a full eight hours,you feel tired and lethargic, unable to think by ten.
Mostly this is due to a bad habit of missing breakfast, instead running out the door and hoping to trick the brain into a wakeful state with a shot of caffeine.
Your body and brain need fuel to work, so fuel them! Would you let your car just run out of petrol every time?
The trick is, putting the right petrol into your petrol tank.Put the wrong fuel into your car, what would eventually happen to it ?

It would break down and stop

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