Thursday, December 22, 2016

This Years Most Popular Xmas Present for Kids

This Years Most Popular Xmas Present for Kids

Yes, you may have guessed it, the latest present which involves a screen.
Parents around the world are going to great lengths to buy this
must have present. Parents in some cases spend all day traveling from one end of town to the other, just to get this screen.
Most get very upset and frustrated when they come up emptied handed.
Well, lets stop right there.
Do you remember when you would dream of a bike, baseball bat, soccer ball or even a hoola hoop, maybe a netball, basketball or a hockey stick? What about a Frisbee? Most kids today would have no idea how to throw one.

How times have changed and how much fatter our kids, nephews, nieces and grand kids are today.
Are they in fact following their parents bad habits? In most cases, I would say yes.

So this Xmas take a stand. Go out and buy the bike, or a Frisbee, maybe a ball. Something to get the kids moving.

But,there is a catch.
You go outside with them and play. Yes, that’s right, instead of the kids sitting in front of a screen all morning, go outside with them and exercise, have fun doing it, enjoy the outdoors and the games you play together.
After the big Xmas lunch, go for a walk as a family. You will feel less bloated and so much better for doing it.

Merry Fitmas and Healthy New Year.

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